We all want financial security. We all want to make enough money to support our business, retain and develop our team, save for a wonderful retirement, and have secured along the way. So to achieve it all, what will help you more, having a financial plan or a budget? The answer is both!

Budgeting? Financial planning? I don’t get it! Aren’t they the same thing?

Financial Security = Financial planning + Budgeting

So, to help you gain better financial understanding and security the Financial Planning and Budget section of CAC program provides you with the various concrete tools and information you need to build, organize, and manage an effective budget/financial plan. The most important aspects that you need to understand are outlined as follows:

Major Topic:

  • Proforma financial statements
  • Sales projection with management assumptions
  • Varriable cost analysis
  • Personnel cost analysis
  • Investment analysis
  • Cash projection & budget

Who should attend?

  • Experience accountants
  • Senior and Chief accountants
  • Accounting Mangers

Minimum requirement

  • Bring PC along during class
  • BBA in Accounting or related field
  • Having knowledge of preparing P&L and Balance Sheet

Course Detail

  • DateComing Soon
  • Time:
    • 05:30-07:30 PM (Weekday)
    • 08:00-11:30AM (Weekend)
    • 01:00-04:30PM (Weekend)
  • LanguageKhmer & English

How to Register:

  • 012 401 909
  • 012 249 907
  • 015 554 441
  • 098 469 135
  • 098 469 203
  • 098 469 204

Practical Accounting Program (PAP)

PAP_ID Course Title Hour Price Date
PAP01 Practical Bookkeeping Program 33 Coming Soon
PAP02 Practical QuickBooks Accounts 33 Coming Soon
PAP03 Practical closing Accounts 33 Coming Soon
PAP04 Stock Management & Control 12 Coming Soon
PAP05 Payroll Management & Control 12 Coming Soon
PAP06 Fixed Assets Management & Control 12 Coming Soon
PAP07 Monthly Tax Return 18 Coming Soon
PAP08 Tax on Income (TOI) 18 Coming Soon
PAP09 Reporting & Interpretation 12 Coming Soon
PAP10 Financial Planning & Budgeting 12 Coming Soon
PAP11 Fraud Prevention & Management 12 Coming Soon

General Accounting Program (GAP)

GAP_ID Course Title Hour Price Date
GAP01 Principle Accounting Program 48 Coming Soon
GAP02 Complete Accounting Cycle in Action 48 Coming Soon
GAP03 Cost Accounting 48 Coming Soon
GAP04 Managerial Accounting 48 Coming Soon
GAP05 Comprehensive Cambodia Taxation Program 100 Coming Soon

Cambodia Taxation Program (CTP)

PAP_ID Course Title Hour Price Date
PAP07 Monthly Tax Return 12 Coming Soon
PAP08 Tax on Profit (TOP) 18 Coming Soon
GAP05 Comprehensive Cambodia Taxation Program 100 Coming Soon